
Fluent UI (and Other Component Libraries) with BlazorStatic

You can use FluentUI with BlazorStatic, as long as you understand its limitations.

Only the interactivity handled by JavaScript will work.

BlazorStatic will copy all necessary files to the output folder, as expected upon app publish.

BlazorStatic is based on Blazor Server-Side Rendering (SSR). For FluentUI to work with SSR, reference the necessary JavaScript as described in the FluentUI documentation.

This information is not tied exclusively to FluentUI; it allows you to use any Blazor component library.

If you use RCL, it will add _content folder to wwwroot on publish. If you also use GitHub Pages, you need to prevent the default Jekyll behavior of ignoring folders starting with an underscore (more info here). You can easily do this by putting a .nojekyll file in the wwwroot folder. Check the build pipeline (here) for this project for an example.

Example using some FluentUI components

Button Badge Option1 Option2 Option3